Department of Humanities & Science

English is an integral part of the Engineering curriculum. It serves as a bridge between the students’ years of formal study before joining Engineering and the professional life during and after Engineering that requires them to use English on a daily basis.
Objectives :
• To improve the student’s fluency and accuracy in English as much as possible during the period of instruction.
• To develop the student’s ability to hone their existing skills by using effective communication strategies throughout the instruction.
• To provide an orientation to reach the expectation of the university, the college and the faculty both inside and outside of the classroom.
• To prepare students to become more confident and active participants in all aspects of their undergraduate programs.
The Department of Physics was established in the year 1995. It plays a vital role, in imparting the incredible aspects of basic foundation principles in Science, for a stronger Engineering building ahead. The Department consists of two highly qualified staff members with two Doctorates in Crystal Physics and Solid State Physics. The Department is equipped with well furnished laboratory equipments. Thirty students can perform different experiments individually at a time. This Department is committed to enrich and empower the staff and students by conducting productive and periodic workshops, seminars and conferences. The Department is dynamic with faculty members attending various national and international seminars, conferences, and workshops. To their credit they have their own published work in reputed national and international level journals. The areas of research interest of the faculty includes, Crystal Engineering, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR), Nano Technology, Non linear Optics and Solar Physics. A Physics Club is being planned to be created to train students in photography, videography, crystallography and multimedia presentation for seminars. Physics Association meeting will be conducted periodically every year. A National seminor on ' Smart Device Materials”is organised in the very beginning year of the college.
Department of Chemistry is committed to make the students understand the basic concepts. The curriculum in chemistry has been designed in such a way that it is useful for first year B.E. Students.
Lab Facilities
The department is equipped with a full fledged laboratory and meets the need of the students as per Anna University Curriculum. The first year students are trained sufficiently to enhance their practical skills and are also provided hands on experience on sophisticated instruments. The practicals that are important for engineering and technology are included. For example, the practical like estimation of hardness, conductometric titrations , Viscosity of polymer and pH metry titrations are included.
Major equipments available in the Laboratories:
• Hot Air oven
• Electronic Balance
• Digital Potentiometer with Magnetic Stirrer
• Digital pH Meter
• Digital Conductivity Meter
• Flame Photometer
• Spectrophotometer
• Water Bath Thermostatic
• Water Still with water level Cut Off System
• Physical Balance
• Chemical Balance
Physical Education
Locations and Maintainence of playgrounds The physical Education department of Jayamatha College of Engineering is functioning efficiently and successfully with talented physical directors.
The management provides necessary facility to the student for their performance in sports and games. Physical directors provides training to the students for the participation in various tournament like inter collegiate tournament,open tournament etc.
Ground Maintenance in cricket
We have one ground in front of the boy's hostel . The boy's are allowed to use full cricket mat and they are issued full kit. The ground is cleaned and maintained every month.
Footeball Ground
Our college has one football ground. It’s located in front of the boy's hostel. The ground is cleaned every month regularly.
Kabaddi Court
In our college one kabaddi court exist. The ground is regularly marked and maintained. The ground is seasoned by applying wood power once in a month.
Volleyball Court
Our college has a volleyball court, for boy's. volleyball court is located in front of our college. It was constructed during the year 1995. This ground is cleaned and maintained every month regularly.
400m Non-Standard Tracks
We are preparing 400m standard track in our engineering college.
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